Welcome to the Responsible Canine Ownership Certification (RCOC) exam

What content is covered?

The RCOC Exam content is tied to the RCO Primer, an educational resource and reference for new dog owners.

You do not need to study and memorize everything in the RCO Primer before taking the RCOC; the exam is designed for you to learn as you go, flipping back and forth between the exam and the Primer to see how the concepts are applied and answer the questions.

How long does the exam take? And how exactly does it work?

Most test-takers should flip back-and-forth between the exam and Primer; budget 2-4 hours (spread over multiple days is OK) to complete it.

If you’re an expert and already know all the concepts, the exam could be completed in 20-30 minutes. Most owners however will not know most of the concepts, and will need to refer back to the RCO Primer during the exam.

As such, most test-takers should expect to spend 2-4 hours (spread over multiple days or even weeks is fine) on the exam + primer.

Why? Because the exam is designed to be taken alongside the RCO Primer, as follows.

This design – connecting primer concepts with real-world scenarios – is meant to make the content more digestible and easier to understand by providing context for it.

Example question:

Don’t worry, there is:

  • No time limit
  • You can take the exam as many times as you want
  • You can leave and come back to pick up where you left off

How much does it cost?

If you pass, there is a $28 certification fee. You are not charged unless and until you pass.

Again, you can take the exam as many times as you need, and take as long as you need.

If you already have a more applied certification that we accept (like the AKC CGC) – you do not need to take the exam or pay the certification fee. Just go here to request your RCOC.

How to take the RCOC


If you have a more applied certification (e.g., the AKC CGC)

You do NOT need to take the exam; just go here to request your RCOC!


Open and browse the RCO Primer

But don’t try to study it all in one go! As explained above, to maximize learning and make it digestible the Primer is designed to be used alongside the RCOC exam.


Try the RCOC Exam

When you’re ready, hit the button below to give the RCOC a try. Per above, you should have the RCO Primer open to look up concepts, studying and learning as you go.

  • There is no time limit
  • You can take the exam as many times as you need
  • You can leave and come back to pick up where you left off
  • To pass, you must get ~70% of questions correct

Share the certification

Once you pass: any requirers (trainers, breeders, adoption centers, rescues, landlords, hotels, etc.) can verify your certification at the links below:


Continue on your learning journey

The RCOC’s primary goal is to demonstrate and convince you of the importance of:

  • Reading Books – in Further Resources we curate a list of some fantastic books for pet dog owners
  • Taking Classes – at bare minimum a 6-12 week basic obedience course
  • Working with a trainer – one-on-one sessions can massively improve your understanding, handling skill, and training technique

Ready to start?

Click here to begin the exam!

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