RCOC for Airbnb Hosts

Dog guests
with less risk

The RCOC lets you filter guests with dogs for those least likely to cause problems

The Challenge

You want to allow dogs in your AirB&B, but you fear them:

Tearing up the place
Peeing indoors
Chewing on furniture

The Root Cause

Too many owners don’t know what they’re doing, never learning how to properly train or handle or care for their dog, such as:

Not separation anxiety training
Not crate training
Inconsistently potty training
Not getting them enough activity

A knowledgeable, responsible owner can readily ensure that their dog does not chew on furniture, pee in the house, or go crazy when left alone.

Those unwanted behaviors arise because owners either don’t train them, ignore issues when they arise, or handle them incorrectly.

The RCOC helps you identify the right owners – and the wrong ones

The RCOC is a dog owner certification exam:

Owner knowledge is tested across 126 independent categories of how to raise, handle, and train dogs. You can see the full range of topics covered here.

To ensure fidelity, we use scenario-based examination, testing real-world cases that probe real understanding, rather than rote facts. Unintuitive answers ensure they actually know the material.

That gives you comfort: an RCO-certified owner knows how to avoid and train away bad behaviors.

If an owner has taken the time to study, learn, and pass the RCOC, their dog is much less likely to cause problems

Requiring the RCOC for dog-owning guests gives you more confidence and less risk

How it works

As an Airbnb Host, it’s easy (and FREE) to use the RCOC


Require or incentivize guests with dogs to pass the RCOC. Just send them this link: https://goodowners.dog/rco-for/owners/


You can then check their status here: (it’s 100% free!)

That’s it!

Still have questions? We’re happy to talk!