Renters and Landlords

It’s hard to find a dog-friendly apartment
Landlords are afraid to rent to dog owners – even at a premium – because of the very real risk that a ‘poorly behaved dog’ with inattentive owners can damage property or bother neighbors
It’s about the owner, not the dog
Sometimes, responsible people are not responsible or knowledgeable dog owners
Chewing, barking, and peeing are avoidable with the right knowledge; unfortunately, many owners are never taught how to properly understand, handle, or work with their dog

How RCO Certification Helps
The Responsible Canine Ownership Certification (RCOC) educates and evaluates owners on best practices – giving peace of mind to landlords and renters alike
For Renters
Show landlords you are a responsible dog owner
Show landlords, rescues, breeders, trainers, hotels, Airbnbs, and others that you are an invested, attentive owner who puts in the time and effort needed to properly raise and care for your dog
For Landlords
Filter out the dog owners with the greatest risk
Passing the RCOC means an owner (a) has put in the time and effort needed for responsible dog stewardship, and (b) knows how to easily prevent ‘bad behaviors’ through proper training and care
How it works
- An online experience that takes you through a series of real-world scenarios designed to illustrate crucial, foundational concepts that even many experienced dog owners don’t know
- Takes less than 30 minutes to complete
- Each question is linked to the relevant resource you need to answer it. The goal is to expose and familiarize you with these concepts, not trip you up
- You do NOT need to know or study anything beforehand! We walk you through everything, you will learn as you go!
- After you pass, there is a $28 certification fee to support our efforts. With that you will have access to the Good Owners Primer, the largest, most comprehensive written resource for dog owners available!
How to use the RCOC
Take the RCOC
Renters can find more information and start the exam here:
Share your certification
Once you pass, anyone can check that you are certified. Just send current or prospective landlords, daycares, Airbnb hosts, rescues, etc. these links:
Landlords It’s completely free to you!
Just send your applicants or tenants this link: https://goodowners.dog/rco-for/renters-landlords/ and ask them to take the RCOC
Take the RCOC.
Then go to the requirer portal and just plug in their email address to verify if they’ve passed or not!