RCOC: Responsible Canine Ownership Certification

Educational resources to start owners off right


We face a pervasive owner education problem

Too many owners have too many gaps in basic knowledge — with serious, negative, and avoidable consequences for dogs

Culturally, we can have the wrong mentality:

If I want a dog, I go to the shelter, pick a dog, bring it home, and take care of it

Nowhere in that sequence do we think…

If I want a dog, I need to LEARN how to handle, train, and care for a dog

Many don’t realize dog handling, training, and care are skills that need to be learned

If you want to sail,
you need to learn to sail

If you want to garden, you need to learn
to garden

If you want to handle a dog, you need to learn how

Sadly, many owners don’t realize that


Most never seriously start their educational journey

As few as 5% of owners take a single class! [1]

As few as 5% of owners take a single class! [1]

[1] Stepita, ME; Bain, MJ; Kass, PH; Journal of the American Animal Hospitalization Association 2013 found only 4.7% of puppy owners attended a single class (United States); the APPA (American Pet Products Association) National Pet Owners Survey seemed to independently confirm this finding for taking classes or working with trainers in 2022 (5%) and again in 2023 (6%). Even if these were gross under-estimates, we can comfortably say that well over half of owners do not attend introductory courses.

As a consequence most owners have serious gaps in even foundational concepts

Physical, mental, and social needs


Separation anxiety


Crate training

Feedback & reinforcement

Grooming & care

And many more

That education gap produces avoidable bad outcomes for dogs and owners alike

Millions of dogs – and their owners – are living worse, more stressful, less healthy, less fulfilling lives than they should be

1 in 3

Dogs in US given up
for adoption

1 in 10

Adopted dogs
returned to shelter [3]

1 in 18

Dogs born in
US euthanized [2]


The ‘Responsible Canine Ownership Certification’ programs
help address the root of this problem

The RCOC Program and Good Owners Primer expose owners to key concepts, starting them off stronger, showing them what they don’t know, and encouraging a higher percentage of owners to start their learning journey




You (the adoption center, rescue, breeder, trainer, nonprofit, hotel, etc.) require or incentivize your clients (dog owners) to take and complete the RCOC program



To complete the RCOC program, owners tap two resources:

The RCOC exam

A series of real-world scenarios asking what an owner should do in different situations, testing only the very basics of what any owner really should know.
(Want a demo? Contact us!)

The RCO Primer

An educational resource for new owners. Each RCOC exam question is linked to a Primer chapter, so they can look up the concepts they need and learn as they go

The exam is NOT difficult! Goal is to merely expose owners to key concepts, test the bare minimum basics that any owner really should know, and start them on their learning journey – encouraging them to go on to read books, take classes, and work with a trainer



Start them off right

Starts owners with at least some minimum exposure.


For rescues, breeders, and trainers, seeing that the owner is willing to put in the modicum of time and effort required to pass the RCOC helps ensure they are both conscientious and have a good jumping-off point for continuing their learning.

Motivate them to pursue further learning

Real-world scenarios help owners realize (a) you need to learn how to understand, interact with, and care for a dog; (b) the benefits of learning; and (c) the consequences of not knowing how to handle a dog.

The goal: encourage more owners to read books, take classes, and work with a trainer!

There are tons of fantastic resources out there – books, classes, online resources, local trainers, programs like the AKC CGC, dog sports, etc. Our goal is to get a higher percent of owners into that educational pipeline.

Change mentalities

The RCOC and Primer are designed to change how owners think about their dogs, to teach them to look through their dog’s eyes, leading to stronger, more collaborative relationships.

See Benefits below for more benefits to you as a requirer!


  • Benefits to
  • Benefits to
  • Benefits to
    & breeders

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

Getting a better understanding of how to listen to, communicate with, and work with your dog reduces stress, saves time, and creates a profoundly deeper, more sincere relationship with your dog

If an owner isn’t willing to put in the modest amount of time the RCOC requires – again, it’s not meant to be difficult, and tests only the basics – are they likely a good client for you, as a rescue, breeder, or trainer?

Owners go into dog ownership and training with a far better understanding of what those things mean

Better handling from more knowledgeable owners means fewer dog fights, attacks on humans, property damage, incessant barking, etc.

Knowing both what they’re getting into and having at least the start of a toolkit for handling and raising dogs should help set new owners up for success

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

The RCOC & Primer repeatedly illustrate to owners the direct benefits of taking classes and working with trainers

The RCOC and Primer show owners that trainers are primarily there to teach you, the owner, not your dog. Stops trainers from having to convince their clients why training is important, and what working with a trainer is all about

Filter out the people that show up for one painful session, aren’t engaged, never come back, and never implement what you taught them

The RCOC and Primer aren’t meant to fully educate someone, but they give owners at least an introduction to core concepts. That makes your first sessions more productive, less repetitive, and more fun!

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

The RCOC isn’t hard, but it requires someone put in at least a small amount of time to learn some basics. If someone isn’t able or willing to put that modest amount of effort into learning, are they ready to adopt a dog?

Pre-filter the owners that are serious and viable; don’t waste your time interviewing owners who aren’t

Increase the odds that owners know what they’re getting into; and are better equipped to raise, train, and handle their puppy or adult dog

Set your puppies and dogs up for success by sending them to a house where owners have already started their learning journey. The RCOC is designed to make owners aware of all the things they need to learn in their first months and years with their dog: proper socialization, ample physical activity and mental stimulation, crate training, obedience training, etc.

Get straight to whether someone is likely to take care of her dog’s needs, potentially relying less on proxies like yard size or number of neighbors

Benefits to

Better owner education = better lives for dogs

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

Better lives for owners

Getting a better understanding of how to listen to, communicate with, and work with your dog reduces stress, saves time, and creates a profoundly deeper, more sincere relationship with your dog

Better vetting

If an owner isn’t willing to put in the modest amount of time the RCOC requires – again, it’s not meant to be difficult, and tests only the basics – are they likely a good client for you, as a rescue, breeder, or trainer?

Better expectations

Owners go into dog ownership and training with a far better understanding of what those things mean

Fewer incidents

Better handling from more knowledgeable owners means fewer dog fights, attacks on humans, property damage, incessant barking, etc.

Fewer rehomes

Knowing both what they’re getting into and having at least the start of a toolkit for handling and raising dogs should help set new owners up for success

Benefits to

Better lives for dogs

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

Get more owners – earlier – into training

The RCOC & Primer repeatedly illustrate to owners the direct benefits of taking classes and working with trainers

Start clients with the right expectations

The RCOC and Primer show owners that trainers are primarily there to teach you, the owner, not your dog. Stops trainers from having to convince their clients why training is important, and what working with a trainer is all about

Pre-filter clients

Filter out the people that show up for one painful session, aren’t engaged, never come back, and never implement what you taught them

Start clients with some baseline exposure

The RCOC and Primer aren’t meant to fully educate someone, but they give owners at least an introduction to core concepts. That makes your first sessions more productive, less repetitive, and more fun!

Benefits to
& breeders

Better lives for dogs

First and foremost, better owner education improves outcomes for dogs. If even 1 in 10 test-takers go on to read more books, take more classes, and become better handlers, that improves the lives of millions of dogs

FAR better vetting

The RCOC isn’t hard, but it requires someone put in at least a small amount of time to learn some basics. If someone isn’t able or willing to put that modest amount of effort into learning, are they ready to adopt a dog?

Easier vetting

Pre-filter the owners that are serious and viable; don’t waste your time interviewing owners who aren’t

Fewer rehomes

Increase the odds that owners know what they’re getting into; and are better equipped to raise, train, and handle their puppy or adult dog

Better outcomes

Set your puppies and dogs up for success by sending them to a house where owners have already started their learning journey. The RCOC is designed to make owners aware of all the things they need to learn in their first months and years with their dog: proper socialization, ample physical activity and mental stimulation, crate training, obedience training, etc.

Relax proxy variables

Get straight to whether someone is likely to take care of her dog’s needs, potentially relying less on proxies like yard size or number of neighbors


How to use the RCOC program
with your clients

It’s easy, and 100% free to you. Owners pay a small certification fee only if they pass.


Tell your new clients (dog owners)
that you require (and/or incentivize)
the RCOC program i


Go the portal below, and add in their
email addresses

That’s it! They’ll be sent all the information they need, and you can check on their certification status in the portal

Other stuff to check out

Want to know what we cover? Check out the Good Owners Primer yourself!

Prefer to talk?

Have questions? We’re always happy to chat! Phone or email, whichever you prefer!